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Labas Neringa :) Tu šiandieną eisi eilinį kartą į Romerį, ir gal bus šiek tiek baisu, tačiau tu nekvaila :))) Noriu tau palinkėti gražios dienos ir nebūk irzli! MYLIU - AŠ - P.S....

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Vineeth Noble, an experienced artist of the country passes away at the age of 43. He has sadly taken his own life at his home the previous day. The individual was a promising young man in the...

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Sveika Egle, Praėjo nemažai laiko, ar dar prisimeni Pauliną, šiandien 2012-10-03 prisimeni šią dieną? Tetis parnešė didžiulę vištą kuri tau atrodo...

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Sono passati 2 minuti dall'ultima lettera, sempre 31 ottobre. Ma ancora non ho mangiato, quindi la sitauzione sta peggiorando. Devo aggiungere qualche particolare a caso che mi sono dimenticato di...

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Dear Matt, Well, your finally 18 (or close to 18, depending on when you read this letter). What are you gonna do? And no. I don't mean what are you gonna do with the money you got. What are...

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