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dear Nuraila Islamiyah diriku, dimasa depan. apa kabar? apa kamu sedang merasakan kesulitan? apa hari - hari dalam hidupmu baik - baik saja? aku sering mengirim surat untukmu karena aku selalu...

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Dear future me, My favorite part of sixth grade was playing sports.I played softball and soccer and I really enjoyed softball and I really got along with the people on the soccer team except one...

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hey there dummy so today was kinda a bummer just surviving , just trying to get my fucking shit together

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ПРОЧИТАТЬ 18.04.2026 Письмо мне через 5 лет. я не знаю насколько большое получится письмо поэтому пишу только с...

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I hope this message has found it’s way to you. I hope you have managed to figure it all out, the ins and outs of life. I hope you have found the place you pictured yourself you would be. And...

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