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Labas! Šis laiškas parašytas 2011 m. spalio 28 d., o jį turėčiau gauti 2017 m. liepos 26 d. - lygiai per savo trisdešimtmetį, jeigu nepasiklys pašte :) Tikiuosi, kad per šešis metus...

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Dear Ratnakar 5 year have been completed today since i have send you the mail.. it was raining that day , the day before we had a party of UNICEF arrange by Yuraj chavan. in ocean bliss....

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Hi future LUIS, How are you?Do you\'re at university or are you working already?I hope you succeed. Do you have a girlfriend or are you single?Are you famous?if you are famous are you rich?Are...

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Hi 23 year old Kasey in 2017, It's 18 year old Kasey from 2012. That's right...today is the day you wanted to read this letter. Kinda hoping it's more fun to read this than it is discouraging....

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Dear Future Self, Hi Future Self, I hope you're doing great! I hope you're still playing soccer & are as active as you I am now. I hope you're not as stressed as I am now. Please don't trip...

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