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Dear Matt, Well, your finally 18 (or close to 18, depending on when you read this letter). What are you gonna do? And no. I don't mean what are you gonna do with the money you got. What are...

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Sveiki, MIELI TĖVELIAI! Rašau šį laišką 2011.09.21 22:42. Atsirado šauni programa, kuri mano laišką išsiųs bet kuriuo mano pasirinktu metu. Įdomu, kokia bus tada Jūsų reakcija....

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Nya legal na? Ahahha

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Hey, how u doing in the future? Always love to dream and think about future, but this time let's get back to the past, moment of writing this letter.

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Dear FutureMe, It is currently the last week of the Summer 2020 semester as I write this. Matt and I leave for the keys on Wednesday. We recently resigned our lease for another year. I am...

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