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Привіт, моя люба Єво, мій любий Вове. Зараз в нас війна, сьогодні тільки-но повернулися до свого куточку в...

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Hey, you're 19 now. Congrats, bro. It's 1:23 AM right now :D I sure hope you scored big on that/those... exam(s)? Yep. Best of luck.

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Sveika :) šiuo metu jau turėtum būt rezidentė (tikiuosi neišmetė ir pati nemetei medicinos, nes prieš 6 metus tau ji patiko). Spėėėėėju...neurologija? Kaip bebūtų ir kur gyvenimas...

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Dear Aaron, Right now you\'re all I can think about. If I\'m honest, you\'re all I can ever think about. You\'re the one person I love most in this world and the one person in this world who...

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Dear Josh, Before you read this, put on a Johnny Cash Record and get a glass of whiskey. If you don't have a record player, or a stash of whiskey, go out and get one, dammit. I thought I was...

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