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вера, ты самая лучшая!! я не знаю как я сейчас выгляжу и не знаю как у меня дела но надеюсь, что все хорошо!! ты...

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Hi to the most suplado that I know and I love. Today is October 2019 and I'm expecting that you'll receive this on your 22nd birthday. Happiest birthday to you my Xanshine!!! I hope you're...

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Is barely surviving still your purpose??? Do you still try to defy his gravity??? Are you still wondering when will it end??? Did you step down from it for good??? Does nobody knows who you are...

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Labas, Saulė!! Čia aš rašau tau iš praeities (hm... ne taip jau ir senai vasario mėnesį) Tikiuosi dabar labai šilta, tu maudaisi, sutitinki su draugėm ir pan. Džiaugiuos dėl tavęs!! Tai...

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Sveika. Noriu sužinoti kaip tau (man) sekasi. Ar pavyko numesti svorio? Kaip sekasi gimnazijoje? Tikiuosi, kad viskas klostosi gerai. Monika XOXO

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