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Dabar yra vienas iš tų nežavių sekmadienių, kada ramybės neduoda ,kažkas ,ko nesugebu paaiškinti. Skaitydamas tai tu jausi šilumą ir mėgausies lietum,kurį dievinu labiausiai. Ir jei...

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If you are reading this I hope to God you are atleast engadged. At this moment you and Amanda arent talking, and money is draining you badly. As your reading this i hope its after a long day at the...

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Maybe if they still brought people in this year still and even if I did hire somebody to help to make sure I do what is right for me and my future so I can hopefully be around in that other year...

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Hey Tami, It feels weird to call you that,,, Over the past 3 years you have done a lot! You figured out how to coach people virtually and keep themselves motivated along the process. You've...

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Sveikas, ateities aš :) Su 29-uoju gimtadieniu! Šį laišką parašei 2011.09.30 po VDU Open Party BlackPearle, nes buvai gan pachmelingas ir neturėjai ką veikt laukdamas darbo. Gyvenimas...

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