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Привет,поздравляю тебя Дмитрий с праздником любви и дружбы.Пусть тебе повезёт.

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Hola Alisha Espero que te encuentres bien y que hagas logrado tu metas de pasar el grado 12 que te hayas graduado. También espero que seas muy feliz y esté orgullosa de quien eres. Quiero que...

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Dear Kate, Katy, Katherine, Katy-Kit-Kat (for like a day until brent meg and I realized it was like the kkk), So heres an email to myself in five years! So in 2020. Wow do you know in that year...

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Hi future rohit Hows life ?? At this time life suck you cry a lot always . you just moved in here and hate it because the kids over here are kanadigas and they always play cricket . you hate your...

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