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Rasa. siandien valgiau kotleta. P.s laisku rasyt nemoku. P.s.s myliu tave.

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By the time you read this email, it will have been 10 years since I sent it. How crazy is that? Today it is May 12th and I set this letter to be sent 10 years into the future, but on our birthday!...

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Nov 14, 2022 Mit u :((

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Hi, Aidil Junaidi, selamat hari jadi yang ke 23, stay strong stay safe. Keep down to earth walau setinggi bintang di langit, gapailah butiran tanah dibumi kerna engkau asalnya disitu, i love u ♥️

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Forgot to greet you a Happy birthday! Hahaha I guess I'm really that silly.

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