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Labas . :) rašau sau, norėdama priminti, jog tą dieną man buvo labai sunku, bet kaip sakoma, nėra to blogo, kas neišeitų į gera :) tikiuosi jog per tiek laiko man jau geriau ir jog galiu...

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dear myself you are about to make a huge step. you are going to take the eog. the biggest test in middle school. here's some to remember about your class Brandon- is a idiot along with his...

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Ээ ну типо, чотам у тебя, заранее хаха лохушка, кстати с днюхой

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Du bist ein wundervoller Mensch, du hast schon viel erreicht, du hast viel Geld auf dem Konto. Ich werde mich mein Leben lang weiter entwickeln, weil ich ein wundervoller Mensch bin. Datum 12.5.2021

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Hello Nike, How is the exams result? If you didn\'t get what you want then it was me. I know I should have work harder than this. I am so sorry. I have no motivation at all. But I can promise...

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