Labas Justina,
Taigi, tavo svajonė išsipildė, sulaukei tikro laiško. Tik šis laiškas šiek tiek kitoks. Tau rašo Justina prieš 10 metų. Ta pati svajoklė, meniškos sielos, gyvenimo...
Hai alv. this is your past self. How are you? Had you relapsed or are you already good? I hope you are still in uni and havent dropped out yet. I know things sometimes gets hard, memories sometimes...
dear sam, i hope we get into UC santa cruz and if we don’t we can do process tech. at this point we should be all packed for UC santa cruz and waiting to leave soon and let’s goo! Right now...
Hey pal, how\'s it going? You good? I,m good. Do you remember when you typed this? You were sitting beside Harley, hacking puters. Life was easier back when I wrote this crap. Just hackin\' puters...
Labas Mariau, kaip tau besiseka ?
Pagarbiai Marius.