الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21885
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
من: Burak
مكتوب : 10-05-2020
سيتم إرساله : 10-05-2030
Dear FutureMe, I'm writing you this letter from 10 years ago. I'll talk about the current situation of the world and my environment and your level of foreign language knowledge.
First of all, Coronavirus has been wandering around world and and temporarily settling in some places like Italia, Spain, New York and now Brasil since it was born in Wuhan, China where those Chinese people with disgusting appetite ate bat soup. The fact that it emerged from a wet market in Wuhan is denied by Chinese government but it's the truth that this virus spread from mammals to mammals, like from a bat to a human. Also the doctor who first encountered this new virus and warned the public against corona was immediately arrested by China. Apparently they let the virus spread all around the world, took it under control in their country and are now watching the world being profoundly harmed by the virus.

(Switching to my environment) Schools closed on the 8th (?) of March 1-3 days after the first case of corona emerged. Now we've been under lockdown for 2 months and 2 days. I haven't been able to even go to the market since they forbade people under 20 and above 65 from going out about 3-4 weeks ago.

Whatever, fuck the coronavirus, let's move on and talk about me.

Today, I can speak English fluently. I understand 80 percent of what I hear in a 5 minute news podcast. Soon I'm going to stop reading Turkish subtitles while watching shows in English.
I also slightly study German, French and Spanish. I watch videos on YouTube from foreign teachers, note new words and sentences and review them.
I can understand some of Instagram posts of German publishers. I laugh at the funny ones, I mean I understand them. But I can't speak as much as I understand. I think this is an inevitable stage of learning a new language. So, I'm chill.

Now, while I'm writing you this letter, my phone has taken 290 frames in 3 hours and 12 minutes. It's for a time-lapse video of the growth of a little grass in the pot.
Ok now I'm going back to reading the book ''Gün Olur Asra Bedel''. After I read it for like 15minutes more, I'm going to read scientific articles, watch language learning videos on YouTube and maybe watch Netflix. Bye.
I hope you'll be like 'oh those old, shitty corona days' when you read the corona part.

Wait wait, considering that this letter will be sent to future you 10 damn years later, I decided to talk about me more.
Even though 49 days later I'll become 18, I still have had no girlfriend, no real life flirt, no first kiss. I haven't even held hands with a girl. I liked a girl last and this year. I liked her for her mature, funny, sympathetic and curious personality. I didn't confess to her but I tried show her that I cared about her by eagerly helping her with her English tests, asking for her opinions on the photographs I took, listening to her more carefully than others. This was actually my way of confessing my love. But she wasn't consistent. One day she asks me if we can learn how to skate together, Another day she is a dry texter. So, I decided to give up on her. In the course of time, I managed to stop thinking about her, forgot her, and now here I am, lonely again.

bis 10 Jahren...
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