الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21900
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
من: M
مكتوب : 29-09-2011
سيتم إرساله : 12-12-2011
Jingle all the way.

How may Christmasses has it been now...? and how many since you've really been yourself? Make that answer '0' please.

Keep warm. Hot drinks, woolies, winter-y (but not wintry)walks, celebrate every frosted window and every star on that window. Sleep lots please, I have a deficit at the moment and it is not the bees-knees or the cats-pyjamas by any strech of the imagination.

Don't fret over whether everyone'll love what you got them, whether they'll love it so much that they'll frame a photo of them holding it and beaming, or whether they'll erect a mini-shrine in their garden shed and start a religion in complete awe of the very mention of your gift to them. The truth is, even if they hate it they a) Won't say so (because they love you, you doof)and b) they'll just be pleased to know that they mean enough to you that you got them anything at all and took the time to attempt to wrap it well.

So please be jolly this season (even if you don't want to) and before you know it you might even be enjoying yourself.
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