الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21900
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
من: Kevin Mick
مكتوب : 15-08-2019
سيتم إرساله : 15-09-2019
Think back to your childhood days when you were more carefree and everything seemed to come easier. You never worried about impressing the people around you, but rather all that you were concerned with was daydreaming about indulging in your wildest fantasies about your future. Whether you wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a lawyer, a ballerina, or President of the United States, nothing seemed to be too far out of reach. Well, as you grew up some things remained the same, but some things did change. You probably still daydream about the life you hope to live but now it is about the type of parent and spouse you hope to be, the occupational successes you hope to achieve, and the overall attitude and outlook that you have about life. But, the biggest difference between you now and your childhood self is that you have a harder time believing in yourself. I am here to remind you that your future is bright and that those dreams you used to believe in when you were young, are not too far away.

1. Stop taking things too personally; it is not always personal.

2. Nothing bad ever came from eating another slice of pizza. Order the pizza.

3. You have dreams; do not give up on them.

4. Push others to follow their dreams too.

5. Do not give up because something does not work out right away. Keep trying.

6. Mistakes teach you many lessons and make you better. Do not let them make you bitter.

7. Take advantage of every moment you have with the people who love you. You never know when it will be the last.

8. Say “yes” more often.

9. Take risks, live on the edge.

10. It is okay to have too much fun. Life is not meant to be taken too seriously all the time.
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