الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21805
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Today is 30 July 2020 Its 1:48 am 2020 has been very strange year by far I couldn’t say wether I like it or not, I had the gut feeling that 2020 was my year but I was wrong It is the year...

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Hello there self !! I'm estimating by now, you're in college. Which is kinda crazy, because right now, I don't even have a solid plan for that but I'm hoping and PRAYING that you do. I'm hoping...

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Hi me, Hope you are well, note to self make sure you prepare for fieldwork 6. Be proactive with clinical notes

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yo man, this is you from December 20, 2023. you will be 16,17,18 by the time you get this letter i have a few questions How is the cut going right now it's not going too well but not bad. are you...

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