الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21805
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الأكثر شعبية
Dear Future Keegan, how is life in the future? are you still with Kelsey? are you still at RLE? how about Cargojet? I'm heading there right now so I must make haste. Remember buddy, Smile, be kind,...

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Labas, Keista kalbėtis su Tavim per kažkokią interneto svetainę ir dar kalbėtis su Tavimi dar labiau vyresniu... Įdomu, kaip tau sekas? Išsipildė svajonės? Ar mes dar bendraujam?...

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Hey, it's okay to be happy. You deserve happiness.

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Dear Me Terrance Harvey! I know that you are a living a fullfilling life everyday Like always. Love you man!

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Hello Kyle, You will probably forget you have written this. I just finished my first summer at Tip and I am sitting in Karen and Marshall's apartment, they are planing to move next month, and...

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