الخطابات المرسلة بالفعل : 21805
خطابات عشوائية
الأكثر شعبية
To Ynah of 2022, Hi. I'm assuming you've already read the letter I wrote to you. I hope you have. If not then go read it first before you continue on with this. Done? Alright. Now, first...

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Labas, brangioji! Visų pirma tai esu dėkinga tau, kad radai šį tinklalapį, kuris gamina tokius stebuklus :) Tikiuosi šiandien tavo gimtadienis, nes mano tikslas, kad laišką gautum būtent...

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Labas, hahahahahhhh

اقرأ الخطاب بالكامل

Hey Chevi!!! So How are you ? Excited Nervous Whatever it is Tommorow is the day The big day Its your exam Or may be day after tomorrow I wrote this 2 months back so I am unaware....

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Dear Jennifer, This is yourself from the future of 10 years, specifically from April 29, 2013. You should be 25 right now, and I\'m terribly sad because I cannot imagine myself so grown up. I am...

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