Hey Soph,
You're probably staring at your computer right now (or whatever new fancy gadget you're using and going "omg I forgot about this!" (unless "omg" died and is now considered weird). Hey...
I hope you have succeeded at college applications and gotten in, I hope that you remember the promise you made to run if you got the budget and I hope that you still have energy and did all the...
hi im in highscool yay finally d,lvnhoawerjhbfojaebvhfoucv im so exited lololollololloololllooloilolooloooloololololololol ololololololololololl. i was so imature in 8th grade but ik i still that...
Labas, Vukai,
ar dar gyva?:D Labai keista rašyti laišką sau, juk po 10 metų tu būsi jau suaugusi! O gal dar ne? Kaip sekasi? Specialiai išsiunčiu laišką anksčiau, kad gautum per...
Dear (Relative Future) Self,
Congratulations bro, you\'re almost done with college! I can\'t believe I\'m even thinking about that right now, I\'m just on the edge of graduating from high school...