来自: Ain
写信 : 04-06-2019
将被发送 : 01-12-2019
Hi. Harini 5 jun. Hari raya. Just nak cakap what im wishing today. I wish i didnt fall too hard on you. I wish i had someone other than you to look up for. Bcos i believe our time has ended. N the day you cared for me was a year ago. N now this time it's different. You met new people and you went on your journey with them often than me. Its not wrong at all pls understand. It's just me having hard time to accept the fact that people changes as time and circumstances move along. Aku xmarah cume aku penat berharap macamni. Berharap kau xberubah dan kita masih macam dulu. But whatever it is, i still love you the same. Come back if you want, im here.
This letter to remind myself everytime i felt im distancing from someone dear to me. I felt it sooo many times and this time it's not much different. It's just with different person. So that when you meet someone new, you know it will end and you just need to live the most while you still have them.
Sincerely, Dazai.
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