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I know u will b hpy n xctd to read this.its been 3yrs. N u r fucking 25.happy bday.! I wnt to say that I lv u. I lv ur immoral, unethical self that u were in past but don't knw if u still lyk dt....

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Hey Jordan, I heard you are doing great in school and still playing your violin! Keep up the good work and stuff! I will be home for Christmas break next week and will be home for almost THREE...

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Labas, Laura ! Šiandien yra 2011.09.26, naktis, ir aš turėčiau rašyti rašinį, bet bet.Tikiuosi, kad šie ateities laiškai nemeluoja ir tu jį tikrai gausi. Beje, dėkoju už šauktuką,...

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