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Dear Future Me, I saw a ticktock of a guy who wrote a letter to himself three years into the future... So i decided to do that as well. Its Wednesday, May 20th 2020 i'm in 9th grade and were...

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Sono passati 2 minuti dall'ultima lettera, sempre 31 ottobre. Ma ancora non ho mangiato, quindi la sitauzione sta peggiorando. Devo aggiungere qualche particolare a caso che mi sono dimenticato di...

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Hay Kailah you we so young and now you got taller and older hope yo are doing well From,...

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this is pointless dunno why iM doing this, when the schooL ends im gonna go home and just gonna no-life some games like a Pro. i dont know what i wanna study, but im gonna go and study...

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My favorite part of 6 grade was meeting new people because it's fun hanging out with them at school and out of school. My friends are aiden w , kammaree , darrien , aiden b , donnie. And I like...

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