Am Beliebtesten
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Labas, ateities Tu, Tuoj tavo 33 gimtadienis. Ar daug nuveikei per pastaruosius keletą metų? Na, neskaitant to, kad užauginai porą puikių vaikų. O gal net ne porą? Juk norėjai daugiau......

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Dear future me, My favorite part of sixth grade was playing sports.I played softball and soccer and I really enjoyed softball and I really got along with the people on the soccer team except one...

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Mieloji, Rašau, kai virš galvos kabo kursinis su noru gauti iš jo 10 ar 9, bet jo nerašau. Kai mąstau kaip bus su JAV, kas ir kaip manęs laukia. Kai šiandien duše prieš einant į VL...

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To Me. Tyronne Edgington, Happy birthday my love! Even if maybe we havent contacted each other thjs day. Even if i dont know whether i am still inlove with you and you feel the same. I want you...

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