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Ciao christian del futuro come stai spero bene ,e finita la maledetta quarantena,che hai fatto in estate spero ti sia divertito,hai avuto il telefono nuovo,Antonio con elena?hai completato la lista...

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Labas Vika, žinau, kad aš jau pora metu pamirštu tavo gimtadienius. Ši karta aš tau rašau sveikinimą iš praeities. Tad sveikiniu su 18 gimtadieniu. Linkiu, kad visos tavo svajones...

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(4/50) June 29, 2019 (Wednesday) Airport, Hong Kong It's been a while since I've written to you, hasn't it? Don't expect any apologies for the lapses in my writing. It just means that your...

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I will marry Bali Beg.I will drive AudiXQ.I will have two kids.I will make Hristina and Martina play basketball.My job will be singer.My honeymoon will be Hawaii.My husband job will be police man.

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First post. Right. This is a really new idea to me, I just kind of read a book called Things I Know About Love where the main character writes a private blog, like a diary, that she updates every...

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