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Love of Mylife I love you with all that I am. I am amazed everyday I am with you how much you mean to my life and my happiness. Your level of understanding and your ability to manage my...

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2022 Me, You graduated high school ten years ago! You did such a great job and learned so much. I hope that you are still an amazing person, I trust you to have done great things by now. Love,...

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Dear joan my favorite part of 6th grade was making many friends we may have played around in class but they were always there to make me laugh even tho they talked bad about me they didn't...

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Dear Brittany, I’m writing a letter to myself to remember how I acted when I was in 10th grade. You are now a senior and about to graduate. My biggest fear is losing the one I love. I hope...

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عزيزي انا المستقبلي.. هل خلصت كورونا كيفكم بعد الحجر و منع التجول هل لقيت وظيفة إعادة او الامارة هل تخرجت...

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