Am Beliebtesten
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Война ещё не закончилась? Я надеюсь мы выиграем. Хочу чтобы все територии вернулись. И я вернулась в свой...

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Joe. It's your past self. Actually, it's you at 32 years old. How are you? If you don't recall, you sent yourself an email off a website you stumbled. How is the future? Are you still...

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Is barely surviving still your purpose??? Do you still try to defy his gravity??? Are you still wondering when will it end??? Did you step down from it for good??? Does nobody knows who you are...

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sveikinu su gintadieniu is praeities 2011 09 28

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So I\'m writing this letter around 9:30 am, February 25, 2013. I feel unwanted. I feel unloved. Why is my sister suddenly being quiet and doesnt want to talk to me? Why is she like that? Why all of...

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