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Per kalėdas noėčiau gauti telefona lieciamu ekranu su dviejom sim kortelem o daugiau ir nieko kaip ir nereikia aciu uz dovanas jeigu jas man suteikisi kokiu prasiau nors ir netokios bet vistiek...

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Hey man, I don't know if you're still going to be in college after 4 years or If you're gonna drop out or what but here are some of my questions. Is your major still polisci? Did you find any...

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Future Gaz! Happy 30th Birthday! Its August 31st 2012. Your sat at work bored (nothing new) so I thought Id write to you to remind you where you were. I hope your not in the same job, you can do...

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I'm stuck out of the state. I need help... Please help!!!

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Labas, Kaip laikaisi? Ka veiki? Kaip sekasi? Evelina, rasau tau laiska, nes norejau paklausti ar mes dabar besame drauges? gal noretum kada susitikti? kiek tau dabar metu? senai besimatėm!! Su...

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