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Dear FutureMe, How are you? How's your life? Have you found your passion, your strength, a hobby that you love? I believe that you're now. What are you doing now? I mean what's your job...

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Labas, Lina, tikiuosi, Tu mokaisi vis dar taip pat gerai, jau pradėjai sportuoti, vis dar nekemši picų kada papuola ir užkalei milijoną pinigų. Vienu žodžiu, dabar tu turėtum būti sexy...

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svaika austeja miela bendor van gogh tikiuosi man sekasi gerai. idomu ak gavau dovanu. ai px. ar ema su martynu dar pora? ji islydejo ji i oro uosta? ar viskas gerai? ant kiek mano sesuo girat...

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Dear anishka, I’m writing you this letter instead of texting you because I’m in no mood to deal with your deflecting and denying any of all responsibility. The purpose of this letter is to...

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Dear Future me, June 7, 2021 3:15PM While you are writing you thought your phone doesn't have enough signal for internet not to received messages but only to find out wala ragud siya ni reply...

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