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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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Hi buddy, By the time you are reading this I assume you're already 22. You made it! Just want to remind you of how strong you've become during those trying times. I know 2020 had been rough...

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Hi the 19 years old Nike, I guess you are now in Y.13! How is everything going? Hope it turn out like what I expected right now! ผลสอบล่ะ เป็นไงบ้าง...

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Just a poem with potential for rejuvenation: You start dying slowly – By Pablo Neruda You start dying slowly if you do not travel, if you do not read, If you do not listen to the sounds...

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Dear Future Me, Hey girl it's Your 13 year old PAST self typing from her bedroom on Decemeber 11, 2015 in your Brooklyn home, oh the good times... By now when you get this letter you're probably...

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