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Dear Mummy & Daddy It's your darling middle daughter from 2012 here. Right now I've just become an adult and I have my whole life ahead of me, but thank you for the past 18 years mummy and...

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Sveika. Kaip gyveni ? Su 16 gimtadieniu ! Su meile Rita.

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Hi Git, how are you? Have you passed the organization thingy? Or are you on volunteer now? Or are you on an internship? Or are you talking with someone now? A BOYFRIEND???

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Leyla, Sana askitopongim diye hitap ederek girmeyi cok isterdim ama icten ice galiba aramizdaki seyler bitebilir ve rezil durumuna duserim diye korkuyorum. o yuzden daha formal baslicam. Su an 23...

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Dear Max, Happy Birthday To you! You are now 17.If you go to BELIZE,You can smoke weed there legally. I pray to God for a long, healthy, and rocking life for you. May He shower all His grace...

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