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Надеюсь ты сделал игру как плонировал , ели нет то хотябы начаел стримить ( если нет то ты лох...

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Dear Future Mathieu, How\\\'re you doin? In the time youre writing this, there are a lot of things going through your mind. I dont know if by now youll know where youre going or what you want to...

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Ieva! Labas, čia ateities Greta. Noriu tau palinkėti sėkmingos sesijos ir šiaip visko sėkmingo! Noriu priminti, kad eitum pašert triušių ir nepamirštum pažiūrėt serialų. Beje, kur...

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Per kalėdas noėčiau gauti telefona lieciamu ekranu su dviejom sim kortelem o daugiau ir nieko kaip ir nereikia aciu uz dovanas jeigu jas man suteikisi kokiu prasiau nors ir netokios bet vistiek...

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July 18, 2012 Dearest Haylee, This is a letter from the past. I am writing this to you just to let you know how much I love you. Being with you has made my life worth living. You are the joy...

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