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Dear Diana, I am writing this letter from 2014. and I am sending this letter, by this time you would be 30 years old. the age you wanted us to meet I wanted to tell you, the first time we met...

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How many clients you want to have on September 2021? 3 For how many your income increase? on 200% Which main (small or big) steps I have done to achieve this? I have presented it in...

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Labas, ateities Daniele, kaip laikaisi? Noriu Tavęs paklausti, kaip praėjo Kalėdos? Aš žinau mūsų senąą svajonę, turėti interaktyvų žaidimą "X-box". Ar gavai jį? Mūsų mielasis...

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Hello Shyal, this is Shyal from one year ago. Hopefully we are still in college. As of right now, you are in your room on your computer in your general studies class and writing this letter as an...

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Sveikas Juozapai, jeigu dabar skaitai, tai gabai laiška parašyta prieš dešimtį metų. Apart kad mokinčiausi teisės kolui dabar aš va rašau laiką į ateitį ;D. Praėjus viena diena nuo 20...

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