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Hi your 16 and waaaay more mature than u think

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My Dopey, You probably won't see this but I'll just try. Can you still remember that night? You ask me questions but I can't answer any of them. I'm there but you can't see me. I'm...

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labas! Zinai ka?...*Trūksta teksto dalies*

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Vot siju u sebya na rabote, dumayu kakoe budushee menya ojidaet??? ya predpologayu, chto uje k 1921 godu na Zemle budet caritsya Mir i soglasie, chto Narodi i plemena mira pridut k obshemu i...

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Jūs Sveikina su Valentino diena Svajūnas Kazlauskas. Linki daug meilės, sveikatos ir linksmo Valentino dienos. Svajūnas Kazlauskas

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