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Na va liko viena diena iki mano gimtadienio. Jau baigei mokyklą ir tikiuosi gerai išlaikei egzaminus ;-). pabandysiu atspėti kaip išlaikiau ;-D : 1.Chemija 96proc. 2. Biologija 97 proc. 3....

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Zdr cia Deiviuxx Ka u? :DDDD Su artejanciais naujais metais

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My first & dearest nephew Aariz, I was just browsing through a Social Networking Site called Facebook. I don't know if few years down the line it will still be available. I just chanced upon a...

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Ryan, I am typing this on december 9th 2015 and we are doing great. we have had our ups and our downs but we have made it through it all. I know we probably have had some tough time since this...

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Dear, Yuritza I'm making this letter on May 25, 2023 for my Social Psychology class. We decided that we could put any date for when we want to get this and I'm gonna do May 25, 2025. I'm most...

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