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Dear tyler by this time you should be d1 and be looking at which college you are going to. You will not be stressing aboutt if you are going to get a scholarship because you will already have about...

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So I\'m writing this letter around 9:30 am, February 25, 2013. I feel unwanted. I feel unloved. Why is my sister suddenly being quiet and doesnt want to talk to me? Why is she like that? Why all of...

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Erika, rašau tik todėl, nes noriu tau priminti, kad pirmame kurse tu buvai tikrai laiminga. Ir tai turbūt ironiška, nes ar pameni savo reakciją po stojamųjų rezultato paskelbimo? Tuomet...

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я всё ещё фанатка скарамуччи?..у меня есть брат или сестра?...

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