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Hola Juli, quizás cuando te llegue esto, quizás sea medio raro para vos, para mí no porque es primero de agosto de 2020, en plena cuarentena por pandemia jajaj, ojalá sigamos hablando man, sino...

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Dear Ankit, A very Happy 30th Birthday 2 u! This is me writing a letter in the year 2013,6 Feb 1:52am.... Remember all those night-overs at your place? That calling people,driving in the...

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Dear Claire, We are sorry for ripping your coat. We can hardly sleep at night. Its horrible so we wrote you a poem: We ripped coat So we left you this note Taj Could have died see it from...

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Поздравляю СЕБЯ с Днём рождения:) Всего всего тебе:) пишу с ЛОЙГО, как дела вобще, сегодня пятница и...

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Sveika:D, vasara jau ne uz kalnu, o as vis dar galvoju ar ji bus pati geriausia gyvenime ar foreveralone... Taigi dabar pabandysiu parasyti kelis dalykus ka noreciau padaryti per vasara :DDD. Na...

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