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"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss

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Sveika, šeimyna :) Kaip gyvenat? Kaip laikotės? Rašau aš, Agnė iš praeities :) šiandien 2011.09.21 22:39. Siunčiu linkėjimus į ateitį. Visada norėjau Jums padėkoti, kad mane...

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I am Emily Sohn!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE boys with all my heart. Especially, the tall blonde ones!!!! They are very attractive!

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Will you regret about what you have chosen so far?

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Dear Stacey, Whats it like in the future? HAHAHA oh wait im gonna know! Do you still smoke? I hope not, it sucks.Did you manage to get a career? boyfriend or husband? kids?! i cant wait to find...

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