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Dear FutureMe, so I hope you did something in your life. You should have completed your college by now. I am really corious which one you choose. Did you follow my advice about the big fish in the...

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Caro mattia ti scrivo nel 2020 il 20 gennaio 2020.In questo periodo hai pochi amici anzi,a cosimo,mauro e quelli della pineta,nessun'altro.Fai la 2 media e questa lettera ti arriverà (forse) in 1...

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Hello my Dear Self, I hope you are feeling better now. I am writing this letter on this day of October 14, 2019. Right now I am trying to be better. I am focusing on the things that I would...

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Czesc, pozdrawiam z urodzinami! Wiem ze juz dorosles. Zycze wszystkiego najlepszego! Rajmond 2013.04.02...

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