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Dear 18 Year Old Me. I Hope this has been delivered on your 18th birthday although it's probably early or late due to royal mail. At The time of writing 29th May 2012 I am 15 years old. If...

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ты смогла похудеть до 35кг? у тебя красивая талия? ты любишь себя? поступила в муз. колледж? собираешься...

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Taigi, šiandien rugpjūčio 2 diena. Sėdžiu darbe, nuobodu, dar manęs čia niekas nepasveikino, baisu, kad pyragai nesurugtų nuo karščio. Kaip gyvenu ? Sunku priprasti prie darbo ritmo,...

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Dear Future Me, I saw a ticktock of a guy who wrote a letter to himself three years into the future... So i decided to do that as well. Its Wednesday, May 20th 2020 i'm in 9th grade and were...

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Caitlin I could not have wished for a better person to be with. You bring me a lifetime of joy and happiness, especially when I make you smile. I know right now I am traveling a bit this summer...

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