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Dear Kate, Katy, Katherine, Katy-Kit-Kat (for like a day until brent meg and I realized it was like the kkk), So heres an email to myself in five years! So in 2020. Wow do you know in that year...

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Dear Me. :) - When you receive this letter you should be past your 21st birthday, you will have competed in many stick fights (hopefully no more broken bones), you will have done the dreaded senior...

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Nya legal na? Ahahha

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Mano ateitis Mielas Deividai, Dabar man 35, dirbu aktorium. Planuoju išvažiuoti į Angliją užsidirbt pinigų ir atvažiuoti su...

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So here i am at 9pm writing this letter kasi my papi na jowa got sad na yung letter awhile ago na i sent for him will be received next year pa. To start with this, let me tell u some thought...

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