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Dear Sweetness, Today is my 40th birthday. Thank God I am still here, pero di ko sure since i am sending this 1:54am May 30, 2021 (Covid19 pandemic) sana may flight tayo somewhere sa Europe this...

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I am writing you because I seen you at a hospital in Winston Salem. I remembered your name and thought you was a very pretty lady. You was very nice to me while I was there in the Emergancy room. I...

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ce ci

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Pupu, Pirmą kartą, kai pamačiau tave, nedrįsau žiūrėti tiesiai į akis, bijojau kažką pasakyti netaip – bijojau visko, kas būtų tave atėmę iš manęs... Ir dabar, kai jau...

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Happy Birthday Neil! Hope this sees you well and your memory problems are all fixed. I came across this and am writing it from 2012 I will not remember doing so. Some people are old at 18 and...

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