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Happppppy birthday girl! Today you are 15. Now you are allowed to party. Just not drink. Not yet, baby girl. Anyway here is a reminder for the following year. 1. Pray. Stop slacking...

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Martynai, rašau tau dar iš 2013 pavasario. Paskutinių dienų prieš vasarą. Kažkada bandžiau atsekti, kada iš tiesų mes susitikom. Deja, nuo tada, kai ištryniau savo anketą...

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Hi. I know this is gonna be so random but I think I need and I should say it before it's too late. It doesn't matter what you respond but I'd like to tell you that I like you. With all my...

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Hi gabbs I love u and I am specil I want to rape u so hard lik I did with liv I will marry u and we can have babies and I will call one of them jamy and the other liv and they can be brother and...

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Mielas, Kest'aime, koks nuostabus ir aistringas gyvenimas - šiandien atsikėlėmė vakare, lėtai siurbčiojom kavą, tavo liežuvis trenkia kava ir cigaretėm, o tavo rankos triušiais ir...

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