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To sumayya! I'm writing this letter in a year that has been trying in the most unexpected of ways. Facing a pandemic, a shitty college, loads of assignments, presentations, exams, feeling light...

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Sveika, brangioji :) Žinai, šiuo metu (2013-07-30, puse pirmos nakties, klausau Radiohead- Creep) aš mąstau,kad tu kaip devyniolikmetė turėtum būti jau suaugusi, žinanti ko nori iš...

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Happy 16th Birthday!! Just seeing if this website works for when you recieve you email on 21st Birthday about your life...Have an amazing day:) wonder if you ever tried out for AMerican IDOl..also...

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Dear, My heart is feeling weird. Maybe it's hurt, for failed expectations? Yes i guess so.. failed expectations. I expected attention from someone and didn't get.... but good, at least it's now...

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Sveikas mielas abituriente :) Štai ir baigiai visas 12 klasių, ir egzaminai visi jau parašyti.Tikiuosi egzaminus išlaikei gerai ( jei blogai,nieko tokio).Štai ir prasidės kitas tavo gyvenimo...

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