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Dear me Whats up! By the time you read this you will have grown to be more mature and have a face that is hopefully acne free. I'm really not good with letters, or technically we're not good at...

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Labas Neringa :) Tu šiandieną eisi eilinį kartą į Romerį, ir gal bus šiek tiek baisu, tačiau tu nekvaila :))) Noriu tau palinkėti gražios dienos ir nebūk irzli! MYLIU - AŠ - P.S....

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Ohh! You are still alive

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Liaaaaaaaaaabaz mazuli Mano vardas Liukaz. Sulaukiau 66 metų. Bet kai kurie Debilai manimi netiki ir sako, kad aš mėgstu buti pedofilas. Kiti Asilai sako, kad ir Tavęs nėra, kad tu esi tik...

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Hi Kelsey! It’s the day of your graduation! Pretty exciting! I wonder if you know where you’re going to school yet, USD, right?!:) Probably. It was a pretty great school! I hope you've made...

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