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Ciao Ricky, Come stai piccolo mio? Spero avrai ancora questo indirizzo quando ti arriverà questa e-mail, altrimenti si perderà nel vuoto. Ti sto scrivendo dal lontano 15 Maggio 2018, sono...

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May 11, 2022 9:44 P.M. Dear you, I still love you 3000 times and more in every universe.

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Labas, drauge! Iš tikrųjų nežinau, kodėl būtent ši data. Ir nežinau kur tu gyveni.. Tikiu, kad esi laiminga ir džiaugiesi savo mokymo krypties pasirinkimu, aplinka bei draugais....

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Hey, it's me, Gadya :) I hope you'll get this letter..I am writing it now, 03.01.2011 at 23:13 in Lithuania, Rokiškis. Tomorrow at 04:05 in the morning am going to Vilnius. I don't know, what's...

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