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Dear future Ron, I am writing you this letter because despite this depression, I have hope. I have hope that things will get better, and I have hope that you are an overall better person than I...

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labas cia ateities laiskas lol :D krc rasau 2013-10-20 diena na nezinau ka pasakyti :D Sekmes ir toliau

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Sveikas, rašiau šį laišką 2011 rugsėjo 11 d. dabar svajoju nusipirkti mašiną. Ar nusipirkau per savo gimtadienį? Deivis

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Dear me its been 2 years you have finish high-school and either on the drive to your new home or not here to this day if you are heading to Vegas then i wish you luck on the drive you did so...

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Sveika. Noriu sužinoti kaip tau (man) sekasi. Ar pavyko numesti svorio? Kaip sekasi gimnazijoje? Tikiuosi, kad viskas klostosi gerai. Monika XOXO

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