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Когда-то я была скептиком и особо не верила мечтам. Пока одна из них не сбылась не ожиданно для меня. Теперь...

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Hey Makikou, It's a strange adventure. I just hope that you are doing great, finally found the real you, found happiness, decided what you really want and maybe even met an amazing girl (because...

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Dear 22 year old Me, Sup man, it's been another 4 years and now you finally finished college. I'm curious to see if you either stay in NJIT or transfer to Rutgers. Hopefully our passion towards...

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dear future me, happy eighteenth. ***** before you read this, play "abandon window" by jon hopkins. (also props to damon dominique for inspiring me to do this.) i'm writing this on...

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Di ko alam beshie ko.. basta ang alam ko lang, pag kausap kita, happy ako :)

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