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Dear Taylor Lunford, When I wrote this I was freshman in the year of 2014 -2015 at Glades Day School. In health class I learned that you have to eat healthy such as eating fruit and vegetables. My...

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Dear FutureMe, HALOOOOOO my older self :)) It's a letter from a few year ago. My self is developing and will always develop to become the better me. Right now, I am at my 3rd year in IF ITB and I...

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عزيزي انا المستقبلي.. هل خلصت كورونا كيفكم بعد الحجر و منع التجول هل لقيت وظيفة إعادة او الامارة هل تخرجت...

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Hi future LUIS, How are you?Do you\'re at university or are you working already?I hope you succeed. Do you have a girlfriend or are you single?Are you famous?if you are famous are you rich?Are...

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Hej Future-Sarah. Dette er en test! Hvis du modtager dette succesfuldt, vil jeg sende dig flere breve som du modtager længere ude i fremtiden - be patient! :-) Love Present Sarah (2 minutes...

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