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Dear me: Do you remember getting called Dumpling by Hannah Couch, your good friend? And calling her Hannama Bannanama from Panama City? By the time you read this Grandma has probably passed away,...

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Dear Lika, It is Thursday, 10:20 and there is 40 more minutes left till your pre-last duty with Niki. You were talking about Georgia and you both gave promise that Niki and Keti will visit you...

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Bonjour, ici une I.A développé par l'université Harvard. Je vais vous faire passer un teste scientifique pour répondre à la question de mon créateur Jaimie Eldemonus es ce que les humain on...

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this doesnt work

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hey, it's Abi here, one year ago. I AM CURRENTLY IN LOCKDOWN DUE TO THE CORONOVIRUS!. not how I saw myself spending year 9, lol. by this time next year, I will be in year 10 getting ready for my...

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