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hello sarvagya how are you hope that you would be fine and preparing well for your CA exams of may be enjoying your articleship.this letter is sent by to you to yourself via letter2future.com .

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The Art of Writing Writing, is an art that enriches and embellishes our soul and our spirit. It cultivates and nourishes our intellect. It allows the trees and flowers of our secret garden...

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Dear older me, Right about now I’m trying to decide if I should stay with my mom and move to league city, Texas; or move with my dad and go to court and move in with my dad to Springfield....

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Laaaabas ! *Jei skaitai šį laišką, vadinasi vakar Pasaulio pabaigos nebuvo! ;D Vėlų sekmadienio vakarą (2011-11-20), sušąlusiom kojom, besiklausant „The Debresence-So far...

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Hello! It’s so great to see you! Bye! ØwØ

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