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I will go aboard in Venice. I will Italy teacher.I will marry Louis Tomlinson.

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I will live in New York. I will be rich and i will have island. I will go to university. I will have tattoo . I will have big house. I will act in film. I will have two big cars.

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Labas mergyt!!! Aš labai labai labai labai Tave myliu ir sveikinu su taip ilgai lauktu 18 gimtadieniu! :* Tu esi nerealiai nereali, niekad to nepamiršk! Pameni, kai mes kalbėjom kažkada...

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Hi there shoe. if you're reading this, the world must have not ended. uhh hopefully you're doing well in college and what not, and you've also not gone through too many identity crises regarding...

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DRINK TO DAT, BOI. you are 21 years, go do something with your life.

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